Leader's Blog

Your Committee People



Leader's Blog

An Occasional Web Log on Issues Facing Republicans in Dennis Township and Beyond

DIRTY CAMPAIGNS DO NOT SERVE THE VOTERS WELL - When I took over as Republian Municipal Leader I extended my hand to the Democratic leadership and asked that we not engage in negative campaigning but rather debate real issues so that voters would be better served.  I got no response.  The current Township Committee election began with a personal attack on the Republican candidate.  Those attacks continued and got worse, culminating in the allegation that the Republican candidate is dangerous to children.  No doubt, a candidate attacked in such a fashion is forced to respond in kind.  This cycle drags the entire campaign process deep into the mud and frustrates and angers the voters.  BOTH DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS NEED A BATH.  It is time to make a real commitment to clean, issues-oriented campaigns in Dennis Township.  Next year there will be two Republicans running against two Democrats.  If we thought this year was dirty, imagine what next year could bring.  I CALL ON THE DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP TO JOIN ME IN PLEDGING NOT TO RUN ANOTHER DIRTY CAMPAIGN NEXT YEAR.


© 2006 Dennis Township Regular Republican Organization

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